Thursday 4 December 2014

Week ending Dec 4, 2014 Bullards Beach to Crescent City

Black Friday was our second rainy day in a row.  We decided that the best thing to do was to go into Coos Bay to Fred Myers to look for a cordless Dirt Devil and a new quilt for the bed. We picked both up and also some groceries at the Safeway next door to Fred Myers.  We have good news about the campground turkey, he survived Thanksgiving.  In fact yesterday he spent most of the day huddled under the tree next to our trailer, trying to keep dry from the rain.  Today it is not raining as hard so he is wandering around.

Saturday we did a walk along the beach to the lighthouse and then back to the trailer.  All in all about 5 1/2 miles..  It was a different view of the area, as the last time we came to the lighthouse, it was late afternoon, so we walked along the road instead of the beach.  We saw some pelicans skimming the waves.  There was a boat out on the ocean, that a fellow we encountered told us was probably setting out crab pots.

Sunday we  woke to frost on the truck.  We decided we should do a scenic drive to the town of Coquille up the river from Bandon,  on the way to Coos Bay. We had talked to a lady from Coquille in Safeway, so decided we should see why she would move from Texas to Coquille. We are still wondering.  The drive wanders through the Coquille River valley.  After Coquille we went into Coos Bay then back to the trailer back toward Coquille and then back down the north side of the river.   Once again, the GPS didn't like our road, and kept telling us to head off on roads over the hills back to the highway instead of through the river valley, even when we were close enough the road could see the bridge on the highway.  We knew the road was definitely one less traveled as some sections of it were covered in moss.  We stopped at the Bandon Marsh, which is an area beside the river that is sometimes covered by seawater when the tide gets particularly high.  Saltwater marshes are not very common.

Monday was another wet day.  We drove into Bandon to use the library wi-fi to find a campground further south. After some discussion we decided our next stop should be Crescent City. So we called Bayside RV Park to find out of they had space. As it was lunchtime Joan was only able to leave a message.   We had hoped to walk along the beach in Bandon, but there was too much rain.

Tuesday we departed for Crescent City. There are lots of roadside viewpoints along 101 and it is a fantastic drive.

At one view point we visited with a couple heading back to Montana.  Their ranch is near the Canadian border south of Cardston.  They were curious to find out if we knew who won the Grey Cup.  They follow the CFL a bit as a lot of Montana State players play in the CFL.

We stopped at the RV park, even though we hadn't heard back from them. The assistant manager was glad to see us and told us she would have called us back, but we forgot to leave her a phone number. Oh well, at this time of year space doesn't seem to be a problem.  Great rates for full service.  We managed to get pretty much set up before a drizzle started, but couldn't get a satellite signal despite being in a site next door to a fellow with a satellite dish.  No trees, but a few boats  parked on stands between us and the harbour.

Wednesday was information gathering day.  After finally finding the satellite signal, at a much lower arm angle than expected, our first stop was the Redwood National and State Park Information Center and then Crescent City Information Center. After lunch back at the trailer we  did some web surfing and then went for a walk along the harbour, which is right behind us.   We can hear sea lions from the trailer, and decided we should hunt them down.   There were a bunch of them lying on a rock in the harbour, and others on some docks anchored in the harbour.   We walked along the breakwater, and found nice looking restaurant on the edge of the harbour, checked out its menu.   We continued to the end of the breakwater, and climbed a little hill there to get a full view of the harbour.    By the time we came down, it started drizzling, so we were soaked by the time we returned to the trailer.  On the way back, we saw some of the sea lions swimming out of the harbour.

 After our walk we watched curling on TSN and were very sorry to hear that Linda Moore has retired from being the TSN curling commentator.

Thursday morning dawned dry and partly sunny, a real treat after all the showery days we have had. After a chat with Elizabeth, to get caught up with life in Canmore where its cold and snowy, the rain doesn't seem so bad. We headed out to drive Howland Hill Road through Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park a scenic drive recommended by the park ranger, with some walks through groves of redwoods.  We completed a short hike through Stout Grove. After that we carried on and did another short hike at Simpson-Reed Grove.  The drive was scenic and walks really neat through the large redwood trees.

When we returned to Crescent City, we made quick stops to pick up an infrared fireplace (our ceramic heaters temperature settings are 5F or 3C apart, and we find it impossible to set them at a comfortable temperature)  and a counter-top convection oven. Now Joan can make shortbread for Christmas.

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