Thursday 10 April 2014

Week ending Apr 10, 2014 Mesquite, Provo

Friday we decided that we should spent the afternoon at the casinos. We walked up to Eureka Casino to see if we could pay for our winter travels in the afternoon.   Well Eureka's was not a successful venture.   We spent a couple of hours and lost 20.00.   We then crossed the street to Virgin River Casino.  We spent 20.00, had a beer each complements of the casino and came away with 10.00 of our 20.00 investment. All in all it cost us 30.00 for an afternoon of entertainment, so not too bad, but didn't  pay for our winter travels.
Saturday we moved to Provo Utah.  We have some shopping to do and according to our research there are some stores that carry the products we are looking for. The drive from Mesquite to Provo took us through sun, rain, hail, snow and finally sun again. The roads were fine, and the mountains are snow covered.   
We got set up in time to watch the bronze medal men's curling. A bit of a disappointment that Canada's men are out of the medals for the first time in 10 years.
Sunday we walked over to Utah Lake State Park, 1/2 mile away, to check out the campground facilities and do a short hike advertised.  Across from the campground is a storage compound with some oil and gas company signs and pumps.  
Then we wandered through the state park campground.  They have okay services, showers, electricity, water but no wi-fi.  We chatted with a couple from Wisconsin who were staying at the campground while visiting their son, who lives here in Provo. We then went in search of the  interpretive hike. We discovered the hiking trail was closed and in speaking to the park personal, has been closed for at least the last few years. Maybe they should take the trail off the state park map. We then headed back to the trailer to watch the Nascar race. Not our day, the race was rained out.
Monday was shopping day. We stopped at an roofing place to get some Eternabond. A tape used to fix leaks or tears in rubber roofs. We have a small tear in the roof, thanks we think to a tree branch we missed seeing one day.  Our next stop was Best Buy to get some information regarding computer upgrades and cost of cell phone service for next winter. Lunch was at one of John's favourite places Red Robin where he had a Bonzai burger. Joan had a spicy chicken burger. We got back to the trailer in time to watch the last few laps of the Nascar Race postponed from Sunday.
Tuesday dawned bright and sunny. After grocery shopping, we went for a walk along the Provo River. The Provo Canyon Trail is about 8 miles long (16 return) we walked along the river about 2 miles (4 miles round trip). Spring is here.  We saw robins, ducks, beetles and heard lots of frogs. 
After lunch John completed repairs on the roof of the trailer and Joan did housework. We decided we would stay and enjoy the warm weather of the valley, so went and paid for another night at this site.
Wednesday we went to Bridal Veil Falls (every state and province seems to have one). The hike we planned on doing was 2 miles past the falls, however the path at the falls was covered with snow from an avalanche, so the trail was closed. We got far enough to see the falls and then turned back. 
We then did a 4 mile round trip hike between 2 local parks. It was a pleasant walk along the Provo River (the same parkway we had done yesterday, but about 10 miles up the river). The trail was very busy, so we had to be alert because there were lots of bikes and long boarders.
 Thursday was moving day.  We are slowly working our way north. Our objective is to stay in warm weather for as long as we can. We are in Idaho Falls at Snake River RV park for the next few nights.   The drive through Salt Lake City about the end of rush hour,  went surprisingly well without any slowdowns or incidents. In the past whenever we have driven through Salt Lake City it has either been raining or snowing and the traffic has been at a crawl at best, so today was a real pleasure.

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