Thursday 21 November 2013

Week ending Nov 21, 2013

Friday morning we checked out the biggest mall in Amarillo.  In our opinion nothing special, however there a number of shops we don't see in Canada. After a mall stroll and no purchases we stopped at Home Depot to pick up some RV chemicals ( which they don't carry) , and look at  weather centres ( nothing impressive so no purchase),  and got groceries.   After lunch we went for a swim and a soak in the hot tub.
Saturday was a very windy day.   We decided to explore Lake Meredith National Recreation Area.   It is a large lake formed by a dam on the Canadian River.  We studied the info regarding hiking in the area and headed off.   The wind was extreme, battering against the side of the truck all the way.     We finally found a spot where we could see the lake, which, we were later told is drying up a lot.  We stopped for lunch at a nice looking campground and picnic area.    The wind was blowing so hard Joan could hardly open the driver’s door.   We took a quick look over the valley and decided that lunch would be best enjoyed in the truck, and that walking anywhere was out of the question.    

When we got back to the RV park, we discovered that the wind had blown over our satellite dish, so we hooked up to the campground cable and spent the afternoon watching the USA Olympic curling play downs.
The wind finally subsided and Sunday morning we got our satellite working in time to watch the CFL Eastern  semi-finals, then the final Nascar race of the season followed by the  CFL Western semi-final. 
Monday morning (8:00 A.M.) we dropped the truck off at Browns GMC to have the warranty repairs done.   They arranged to rent us a car through Enterprise. After stopping for breakfast at the Waffle House, we headed for Lubbock to the Buddy Holly Centre.   After having driven for almost 2 hours, we discovered the centre is closed on Mondays.  
 After wandering around downtown Lubbock for a while, stopping at a park for lunch before heading back to Amarillo.   We drove along the side roads next to the interstate, as we had noticed that the cotton harvest was in progress.   All along the way we saw various stages of cotton harvesting in progress. As this was not a procedure we knew much about we found it interesting and when we got home had to sign on to the internet to read about the whole process.
A field of ripe cotton 

A harvester.

A stack of harvested cotton. 
Tuesday morning we checked with a tire company to see if they could replace one of our trailer tires next Monday on our way out of town.    We then headed out to the Cadillac “ranch”. We chatted with some other tourists that commented, like us, that this was a bit of a cheesy site, but we did note that we were there looking at it, what did that say about us?
Wednesday was spent wandering around Amarillo taking care of chores and enjoying the warm sunny weather.
Thursday we dropped the rental car by 8:00 A.M.   Enterprise then dropped us off at Browns GMC to pick up our truck.   After stopping at  `The Big Texan`for breakfast we packed a few veggies and headed out to Palo Duro Canyon for a hike.    It was supposed to be a nice day, but with a cold front coming in the evening.     We parked between a couple of two mile loops along the river through the canyon.     The views were quite interesting, with the many layers visible along the hills on the canyon.   There was also an interesting looking cave carved out of the wall.  
When we finished the first loop, the cold front had moved in, so it was quite cloudy, windy and cold, so just miserable, so we decided to cut short our hike and head back to warm up the trailer.

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