Saturday 7 September 2013

Week ending Sep 7, 2013

Our time in Cochrane this year was spent taking care of business, particularly changing addresses to our new mailing address in Cochrane.  Since we always stay at Bow Rivers Edge RV Park in Cochrane we decided it made sense to get our mail in Cochrane too.  We were kept busy for almost 2 weeks visiting Dr.s, getting tests done, teeth cleaned, all those house keeping things that are important as we age and that we must do every fall.  Joan saw her doctor to review the test results on Tuesday and was given the green light to head to south for the winter.
Wednesday we met Trev and Sue at Costco, to do some shopping. Trev presented us with a new flow-through tailgate designed for pulling 5th wheel trailers.  It is great, makes being able to see, when driving the truck without the trailer much easier as well. That evening we met the kids at Bookers for dinner to celebrate Trev's 40th birthday.
Friday was moving day.   We started by moving the trailer to Hobo's RV repair, for some maintenance on our slide outs. They have recently been misbehaving.  After the repair work was completed we headed for Turner Valley where we are staying for the next 4 nights.  For one of the few times this year we had to set up in the pouring rain.  We are on the edge of field above the Sheep River Valley, and have watched the horses in the pasture behind the trailer a few times. 

Saturday morning,  we headed into Calgary through a downpour to Don and Jackie Scott's, who had kindly allowed us to house sit last winter.  After a great lunch and long visit at Nellie's in Oakridge, we headed to High River to drop Christmas cheques off with Trev's family.
We arrived back at the campground in Turner Valley in time to see the cyclists participating in the Tour of Alberta. 

We had driven a good part of the tour route during the day going into Calgary and returning to Turner Valley but made it back in time to see the riders go through town. 

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